TASHI DAGAYThis set of symbols is very popular in Buddhist Teaching and is also known in Sanskrit as ‘Ashtamangala’, ashta means eight and mangala means auspicious.

Parasol – The traditional symbol of protection and royalty. It protects from all obstacles, illnesses and harmful forces.

Golden Fishes – represent happiness, fertility and abundance.

Treasure Vase – The divine vase of inexhaustible treasures possessing the quality of spontaneous manifestation.

Lotus – The symbol of absolute purity and compassion. It represents spiritual unfoldment – the transmutation of passion into compassion.

Conch Shell – An emblem of power, authority, and sovereignty whose blast is believed to banish evil spirits and avert natural disasters.

Knot of Eternity - represents the meditative mind. It is an endless knot that overlaps without a beginning or an end. - symbolizing the Buddha’s endless wisdom and compassion.

Victory Banner – The emblem of Buddha’s victorious enlightenment and the methods for overcoming worldly defilements.

Dharma Wheel – The ancient symbol of creation became the symbol of spiritual and universal law in Buddhism. The hub of the wheel symbolizes moral discipline, the eight spokes – the Noble Eightfold Path, and the rim – meditative concentration.